From the east freeway road, A1 from Melegnano (Milan south barrier): reach the entrance to the east freeway road. Straight after the Viale Palmanova junction, stay on the right heading north. Take the link with the North freeway road. After about 8 km take the exit to Monza - S. Alessandro. Stay on the left, reaching Viale delle Industrie. Keep going straight at all three roundabouts. Take Viale Stucchi and the stadium is on the left.
From the west freeway road A4 from Turin and Milan Malpensa - Silvio Berlusconi airport: Take the exit to Cormano, heading north onto the Milano-Meda highway towards Meda. Immediately after Cormano, take the North freeway. Immediately after a tunnel, take the exit to Monza - S. Alessandro. Stay on the left, reaching Viale delle Industrie. Keep going straight at all three roundabouts. Take Viale Stucchi and the stadium is on the left.
From Venice, A4: Take the junction for the Monza Tangenziale Nord freeway. Stay immediately on the right and take the exit to Monza - S. Alessandro. Stay on the left, reaching Viale delle Industrie. Keep going straight at all three roundabouts. Take Viale Stucchi and the stadium is on the left.
From Milan Linate Airport: reach the entrance to the Tangenziale EST, Linate / Viale Forlanini entrance. Immediately after the Viale Palmanova junction, stay on the right heading north. Take the link with the North freeway. After about 8 km stay immediately on the right and take the exit to Monza - S. Alessandro. Stay on the left, reaching Viale delle Industrie. Keep going straight at all three roundabouts. Take Viale Stucchi and the stadium is on the left.
From the railway station: take via Azzone Visconti and then turn to via Bergamo. Continuing straight on the main route, take Viale Sicilia and the stadium is on the left.
AC Monza informs that the parking lots near the U-Power Stadium are managed by the company Monza Mobilità S.r.l., company owned by the Municipality.
It is possible to purchase the parking tickets via the following links:
- Local supporters' parking - Green and blue park - CLICK HERE
- Guest supporters' parking - Orange park - CLICK HERE
ACCESS CHANNELING: we inform that a sectorization system will be applied which will guarantee a better entrance flow, with the public entering the gates exclusively towards their respective sectors.
It is therefore necessary to use only the gates assigned to the individual season tickets or the individual tickets, as per the following indications or further provisions communicated directly to the stadium through the signs placed on the gate.
GATE 1: Grandstand Sectors M-U entrance
GATE 2: Entrance to the Authority, VIP
P.C. 3: Journalists stands entrance
GATE 3: Grandstand Sectors A-L entrance
P.C. 5: Photographers entrance
GATE 5: South Stand Entrance
GATE 7: North Stand and disabled people Entrance.
GATE 10: Guest Stand Entrance
Pre-filtering areas have been set up near the above-mentioned gates.
Gates Opening Hours
• The stadium gates generally open to the public 2 hours before the game, unless otherwise communicated.
• With regards to the current procedures for entering the stadium, it is advisable to arrive at the U-Power Stadium in advance.
Tickets and season tickets sales conditions: CLICK HERE
Approval System and Regulations for Use of the U-Power Stadium: CLICK HERE
A.C. Monza S.p.A. informs that it is forbidden to introduce banners, flags or any other related material including choreographies, unless previously authorized. Drums and other means of sound diffusion will also be prohibited.
In order to be able to introduce banners and / or flags containing written material in support of your team, the authorization request must be sent, at least seven days before the match, to [email protected] specifying the following:
- Complete details of the applicant;
- The size and material (mandatory non-flammable) of the banners / flags;
- The content and graphics (with related photographic documentation)
- The sector of the stadium where the content will be shown;
- The methods and timing of implementation of the choreography.
No authorization is required for flags with only the social colors of your team.
Moreover, A.C. Monza states that the authorization to display the banner / flag must be accepted, at least five days before the match, by the G.O.S. Officer or the Questore's Cabinet Office, informed of the request by the organizing Club, provided that:
- The author of the request is identified;
- Within the group identified by the exhibited material there are no persons subject to an access ban to sports facilities (Daspo);
- There are no impedimental reasons neither for public order and safety nor for the protection of public safety and fire safety;
- The dimensions of the material do not obstruct the view of other fans.
The authorization can also be granted for the duration of the entire season and revoked in the event that members of the group identified by the exhibited material receive a Daspo.
The outcome of the authorization request will be communicated to the interested party by the organizing Club, accompanied by the following information:
- The authorized material must be introduced, from the passage indicated by the Club, at least one hour before the gates open to the public;
- After the gates open, the introduction of any material (authorized or not) will no longer be allowed;
- The banners must be placed in the space indicated by the Club;
- The display of unauthorized material will result in its immediate removal and responsibles for the action will be kicked out of the stadium;
- After the outflow, the authorized material must be removed and, where required, fully re-presented at the indicated passage.